
Podcast: iAnimate Interview

Dec 31, 2012
Thumbnail image for Podcast: iAnimate Interview Interview with Tal Shwarzman 55:58" I had a chance to chat with Larry and Ric from iAnimate a few weeks ago and talk about my career in animation as well as what I have been up to with Animation‑ It was cool because the interview didn’t just focus on the films I have worked […]

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My name is Tal and I am an Addict

May 27, 2012

To tell you about me is to tell you about my addiction. It started some thirty one years ago, at first it was the smaller stuff, nothing heavy. Nothing to worry my family members about –  little Saturday morning cartoons (Thundercats, Transformers, The Wonderful Adventures of Nils and a few thing that shall go unnamed… […]

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